Healthcare Workgroup @ Virtual
Jul 5 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Healthcare Workgroup @ Virtual

The statewide Healthcare Workgroup brings together healthcare professionals from across the state to discuss barriers, challenges, and possible solutions in supporting human trafficking survivors through a trauma-informed and survivor-centered approach. This workgroup is intended for healthcare professionals. Please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArfuqurTouEtPQoOAiZxdN5sJMxwcuon6V

Youth Services Workgroup @ Zoom
Jul 20 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Youth Services Workgroup @ Zoom

The Statewide Youth Services Workgroup is a good fit for organizations and/or people who currently provide youth services that support youth human trafficking survivors.

The goal of the Statewide Youth Service Workgroup is to build a long-lasting, coordinated response to support youth human trafficking survivors in a trauma-informed and survivor-centered approach. The ongoing structure of this meeting will consist of an open session of training or a guest speaker to talk about relevant topics related to the workgroup. The next hour will be reserved for community discussion.

If you feel your programs/organization can actively contribute to these discussions and activities, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEufuqspj8oHd2-OzYyaUmSldu4ArpDezhm

Adult Services Workgroup @ Virtual
Jul 26 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Adult Services Workgroup @ Virtual

The Statewide Adult Services Workgroup is a good fit for organizations and/or people who currently provide adult services that support human trafficking survivors.

The goal of the Statewide Adult Service Workgroup is to build a long-lasting coordinated response to support adult human trafficking survivors with a trauma-informed and survivor-centered approach. The purpose of this group is to identify specific and actionable goals for 2023 and 2024.

The ongoing structure of this meeting will consist of an open session of training or a guest speaker to talk about relevant topics related to the workgroup. The next hour will be reserved for community discussion.

If you feel your programs/organization can actively contribute to these discussions and activities, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudO6gqjkuH9ZstdYtzNGJkiMkDseMfz5y

LGBTQIA+ Workgroup @ Virtual
Aug 2 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
LGBTQIA+ Workgroup @ Virtual

The goal of the Statewide LGBTQIA+ Workgroup is to build a long-lasting, coordinated response to support LGBTQIA+ human trafficking survivors.

The meeting will begin with a training or guest speaker relevant to the pressing issues identified by the workgroup. Previous training focused on specific methods of advocating for LGBTQIA+ survivors. The meeting will then continue on for a community round-table to discuss barriers, challenges, and possible solutions to serving LGBTQIA+ survivors.

This workgroup is relevant for any person or organization that does anti-trafficking, anti-violence, or anti-exploitation work. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIscO-hpzMrHta_dHdmdhKGRf1cEhXTHQzN

Mental Health Workgroup @ Virtual
Aug 15 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Mental Health Workgroup @ Virtual

The Statewide Mental Health Workgroup is a good fit for organizations and/or people who currently provide services that support human trafficking survivors. The goal of the Statewide Mental Health Workgroup is to build long-lasting coordinated partnerships to support human trafficking survivors in a trauma-informed and survivor-centered approach. The structure of this meeting will consist of an open session of training or a guest speaker to talk about relevant topics related to the workgroup. The next hour will be structured discussions and activities focusing on identifying goals and objectives for 2023 activities. It is important to have a consistent presence at the workgroup discussions so we can pick up where the last workgroup meeting left off and continue the discussion toward solutions. If you feel your programs/organization can actively contribute to these discussions and activities, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrduCtrjgpGdduAcpPdlzEKFwKz7TJQk8S

Healthcare Workgroup @ Zoom
Oct 3 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Healthcare Workgroup @ Zoom

The Statewide Healthcare Meeting is restricted to healthcare response professions. At this meeting, we will be bringing healthcare professionals from across the state to discuss various topics that include barriers and challenges along with possible solutions in supporting human trafficking survivors through a trauma-informed and survivor-centered approach. The purpose of this group is to identify specific and actionable goals for 2023 and the beginnings of a work plan to accomplish their goals over the next year. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctdOivpjotHdSWrXEiHnbIqj4p4m3IKhl0

Youth Services Workgroup @ Zoom
Oct 10 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Youth Services Workgroup @ Zoom

The Statewide Youth Services Workgroup is a good fit for organizations and/or people who currently provide youth services that support youth human trafficking survivors.

The goal of the Statewide Youth Service Workgroup is to build a long-lasting coordinated partnership to support youth human trafficking survivors in a trauma informed and survivor centered approach. At this meeting we will be picking up with the identified barrier of access to youth emergency housing. The purpose of this group is to identify specific and actionable goals for 2023 and continue the work plan to work towards a solution for the identified need.

The ongoing structure of this meeting will consist of an open session of training or a guest speaker to talk about relevant topics related to the workgroup. The next hour will be a continuance of the previous meeting. It is important to have a consistent presence at the workgroup discussions so we can pick up where the last workgroup meeting left off and continue the discussion towards solutions.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0oc-uqqjkpGt11qqS-H08OQaawszxSZCZA

LGBTQIA+ Workgroup @ Virtual
Nov 8 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
LGBTQIA+ Workgroup @ Virtual

The Statewide LGBTQIA+ Workgroup is a good fit for organizations and/or people who currently provide services that support human trafficking survivors. The goal of the Statewide LGBTQIA+ Workgroup is to build a long-lasting coordinated partnerships to support human trafficking survivors in a trauma informed and survivor centered approach.
The structure of this meeting will consist of an open session of training or a guest speaker to talk about relevant topics related to the workgroup. The next hour will be structured discussions and activities focusing on identifying goals and objectives for 2023 activities. It is important to have a consistent presence at the workgroup discussions so we can pick up where the last workgroup meeting left off and continue the discussion towards solutions.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcoc–rqD0iHtTka7Ms3T9LNckQZSNcUel8

Mental Health Workgroup @ Virtual
Nov 14 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Mental Health Workgroup @ Virtual

The Statewide Mental Health Workgroup is a good fit for organizations and/or people who currently provide services that support human trafficking survivors. The goal of the Statewide Mental Health Workgroup is to build a long-lasting coordinated partnerships to support human trafficking survivors in a trauma informed and survivor centered approach. The structure of this meeting will consist of an open session of training or a guest speaker to talk about relevant topics related to the workgroup. The next hour will be structured discussions and activities focusing on identifying goals and objectives for 2023 activities. It is important to have a consistent presence at the workgroup discussions so we can pick up where the last workgroup meeting left off and continue the discuss towards solutions. If you feel your programs/organization can actively contribute to these discussions and activities this would be a perfect fit for you.


Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtde-vqjktGN22OMV4aqKedTcS3DkU1NFC

Legislative Workgroup @ Virtual
Nov 21 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Legislative Workgroup @ Virtual

The purpose of the legislative workgroup is to come together across a diverse demographic of advocates to discuss current legislative bills, and the priority focus bills for each advocate to identify similar goals and work together to advocate and create a strong, and unified appearance at the capital. As well as work towards scheduling unified advocacy events, and lobby days at the capital. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsdeCpqTsvGNZRRabkuWpw2aou1D3hz4jv