Coalition Against Trafficking and Exploitation

Newsletter Resources

Looking for a resource that was listed in a past newsletter? They will be listed here and updated regularly. 

  • MCADSV Vaccination Social Media Campaign – MCADSV is committed to the public health and safety of our Missouri communities. It is vital for the U.S. to reach herd immunity in order to begin resuming activities as we did before the pandemic. 
  • T&U Visa and Continued Presence Fact Sheet – Survivors of trafficking may have been brought from outside the US, and need assistance or information regarding their ability to stay here after seeking services. This T&U fact sheet describes various kinds of visas available to survivors, as well as the requirements and steps necessary to receive them.
  • MyPlan App – myPlan is a free, evidence-based app developed by the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing that helps survivors of intimate partner violence create safety plans. The app incorporates validated instruments like the Danger Assessment to help users assess the safety of their relationship.
  • 2021 Missouri Laws: New Summary Report from MOCADSV – MOCADSV’s new report summarizes changes in Missouri law related to domestic violence, sexual violence, court and criminal proceedings and other bills effecting survivors and providers in Missouri. These laws took effect August 28 2021. This report highlights such changes as employee unpaid leave for survivors and extended time issuances for Orders of Protection
  • Effective Collaboration Between Anti-Trafficking & Domestic Violence Programs – This webinar from Freedom Network USA explored domestic violence (DV) shelters as a potential housing resource for survivors of trafficking. Panelists shared best practices for assessing if a DV shelter is the right fit for a trafficking survivor and also shared ideas on creating effective partnerships with local DV programs.
  • Forced Marriage in the United States – This webinar from HEAL Trafficking explains the issue of forced marriage in the U.S., outlines the ways in which forced marriage, human trafficking and domestic violence may intersect, and guides health professionals in recognizing potential cases and responding to survivors. 
  • New Program from CDC – FREE Self Test HIV Kits – The CDC has launched Take Me Home, an online program offering 100,000 free rapid HIV self-test kits. The HIV self-testing kits are fast, free, and discreet. If you are 17 years of age or older, then enter your address and the kits can be delivered anywhere in the United States and Puerto Rico – including to DV and SV shelters and local programs. The online ordering portal allows people to order up to two free kits every 90 days.
  • Join Shared Hope’s Resource Network – The ATR Network is Shared Hope’s peer-to-peer communication listserv created for anti-trafficking professionals. This tool is designed to support cross-discipline connections from state to state and foster the sharing of anti-trafficking practices and strategies for NGOs, law enforcement, service providers and other professionals combatting trafficking in the United States
  • Newly Updated Mandated Reporter Online Training Missouri – KidsFirst has just updated their free mandated reporter training to include education on: reporting bias, poverty vs. neglect, cultural responsiveness, child sexual abuse prevention education requirements for students, additional warning signs of child injuries, and so much more
  • Shared Hope International: Missouri’s Report Card – In November 2021, Shared Hope International introduced their inaugural Report Cards on Child & Youth Sex Trafficking. These new report cards focus on an advanced legislative framework, shifting the focus from criminal laws to the next level of legislative change, ensuring robust and trauma informed protections are in place for trafficking victims

2021 Trafficking in Persons Report – The annual TIP (Trafficking in Persons Report) tracks trends in human trafficking and anti-trafficking work across the country. This year’s report provides context on how trafficking has changed in the wake of a global pandemic and how the anti-trafficking movement is addressing these changes.

Survivor Perspectives: Labor Trafficking Service Needs – Hear labor trafficking survivor panelists discuss experiences, missteps, and opportunities with service providers and provide insight on how professionals can better meet the needs of survivors.

Join Shared Hope’s Resource Network – The ATR Network is Shared Hope’s peer-to-peer communication listserv created for anti-trafficking professionals. This tool is designed to support cross-discipline connections from state to state and foster the sharing of anti-trafficking practices and strategies for NGOs, law enforcement, service providers and other professionals combatting trafficking in the United States.

New Program From CDC: FREE Self-Test HIV Kits – The CDC has launched Take Me Home, an online program offering 100,000 free rapid HIV self-test kits. The HIV self-testing kits are fast, free, and discreet. If you are 17 years of age or older, then enter your address and the kits can be delivered anywhere in the United States and Puerto Rico – including to DV and SV shelters and local programs. 

StoryCorps Interview: Sheritta Allen of The Covering House – Our Community Educator sat down with Sheritta Allen, director of The Covering House to learn more about the agency and her history in the anti-trafficking movement. 

Human Trafficking Data Collection Activities, 2021 – This report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics highlights data collected on human trafficking in 2021

What Does it Mean to Be Immunocompromised? – This article from Penn Medicine discusses what immunocompromisation is and what can be done to protect individuals during the continued pandemic

MFH #ThisIsLongCovid Campaign – Find stories and resources to educate your community on the realities of long Covid


National Trafficking Shelter Alliance: Alliance Referral System – Survivors and Survivor Advocates can make a referral by submitting one form, and our ARS Team will match the survivors individual needs to  appropriate residential programs. 

 New Firearm Suicide Prevention Campaign Launching in Missouri – End Family Fire and the Missouri Foundation for Health have partnered to help Missourians understand the importance of safe gun storage. Learn more about how conversations about safe storage between partners, families, friends, and co-workers can help prevent firearm suicide.

The Public Health Response to Human Trafficking: A Look Back and a Step Forward,” a new OTIP-sponsored supplement published by Public Health Reports (PHR), the official journal of the Office of the Surgeon General and U.S. Public Health Service, describes the innovative ways researchers, service providers, and others are building a public health approach to address human trafficking